What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?

What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?

Can Christians Practice Same-Sex Relationships?

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Marriage and Sexuality by Design is a powerful teaching tool aimed at equipping every believer with solid biblical truth while exposing and correcting the erroneous teachings of LGBT advocates. The Christian community must possess a sound irrefutable working knowledge of the Scriptures or face being misled into error. It is not enough to say “I believe same-sex marriages are wrong,” we must clearly understand exactly what the Bible teaches and be capable of sharing the light of God’s word with our children, friends, family, and others. We must not allow the unenlightened advocates of same-sex relationships to tell our children “your parents are homophobic ignorant religious freaks.” We must lovingly teach God’s design for marriage and sexuality.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the servant of God amay be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Same-sex proponents argue the Bible has always supported homosexuality and same-sex relationships. They insist that King David and Saul’s son Jonathan were homosexual lovers, and the book of Ruth illustrates a lesbian relationship between Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. They falsely claim that Jesus taught some people are born homosexuals. In fact, the LGBT affirming church movement openly teaches, practices and condones all same-sex marriages as approved of God. The LGBT agenda to normalize homosexuality is finding acceptance among several denominations as Godly behavior. Believers and pastors must not continue down the path of silence. We must know God’s mind on this subject and loving and courageously teach the truth.

Marriage and Sexuality by Design offers powerful biblical expositions and detailed analysis of God’s immutable and absolute design for marriage and sexuality. You can view a sample reading of the book’s contents here or click on the book pic above.

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3 Responses to What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?

  1. Nicole says:

    This is the kind of stuff we need to hear. Thanks

  2. MB says:

    I disagree with your view on God approving homosexuality. He PLAINLY states that “man SHALL NOT SLEEP WITH MAN” or “WOMAN SHALL SLEEP WITH WOMAN”….(or beast/animal)
    Read Levitcus chapters 18 & 20 !!
    He says it is an ABOMINATION to Him !! Just because you “think” that King David and Sauls’ son slept together isn’t an approval from God that this is ok. As you put it, whoever “insists” that they did, need to read their Bible as well as you.
    Jesus was a descendant of David and you really think that Jesus would be a descendant from someone like that !!

  3. Web Master says:

    Did you read the blog?

    It does not suggest or state that homosexuality is approved by God or the Bible. We both agree that it is disapproved.

    Marriage and Sexuality by Design offers powerful biblical expositions and detailed analysis of God’s immutable and absolute design for marriage and sexuality. You can view a sample reading of the book’s contents here https://www.amazon.com/dp/1499396147 You should reread the blog and perhaps read the book. It is truly a powerful teaching tool that not only demonstrates God’s view but explains in detail why he disapproves.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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