Heaven Is For Real – The Movie

blog: Heaven Is For Real Is A True Story!

heav realColton Burpo, a 4-year-old little boy, really did visit heaven and returned to tell his family what he saw and who he met. Colton’s dad published the story in what has become a New York Times #1 Best Seller Heaven Is For Real  with over 1.5 million copies in print. I saw the movie on Good Friday and found myself fighting back the tears as this adorable little boy Cloton, played by Connor Corum, shares about his amazing visit to heaven.

colgregAt first, little Colton’s family and community are sceptical about his visit to heaven. They attempt to process the unbelievable event suggesting that perhaps it’s dream, hormonal imbalance during surgery or some other medically induced phenomenon. But little-by-little more details and facts about Colton’s non-fictional account of heaven emerge and the evidence begins to become very convincing. There is just no way that this 4-year-old could possibly know the things he is saying, unless he actually went to heaven. A word of warning here, bring extra kleenex.

Although Colton’s dad is a pastor, the film does not have a “churchie feel” or attempt to present much in the way of anyone’s theology. The film bridges denominational and sectarian biases, so all faiths will feel comfortable. The movie is all about revealing heaven through the eyes of a 4-year-old who visited with Jesus and returned to tell us what happened.

The New York Times is reporting:

Heaven Is for Real” became Hollywood’s fourth overtly faith-based hit of the year over the Easter weekend, taking in an estimated $21.5 million — double the dismal ticket sales that Johnny Depp mustered for his latest big-budget effort.

The film has a PG rating and isn’t geared toward small children, but in my opinion it’s safe for all children to see. The only problem for young kids will be keeping up with the movie and paying attention. You know your child’s attention span best.

This is one of the most enjoyable films I’ve seen in a while. Definitely a sleeper that could wake up America.

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