Laminin: Evidence of God’s Existence?
In Him All Things Hold Together (Colossians 1:17)
When Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church, pitched his congregation with the Laminin protein proposition, suggesting that the cross-shaped protein is scientific evidence that Christ is holding our bodies together, he got my undivided attention. His theological proposition suggests that Colossians 1:17 is directly referencing the cross-shaped laminin protein for two reasons: (1) It is shaped like the cross that Jesus was crucified upon, and (2) Laminin’s primary function of binding our cells together is the meaning of the latter part of verse 17, “in him all things hold together.” Therefore, Pastor Giglio excitedly concludes that God purposely created the cross-shaped laminin protein as proof that Christ is holding us together and referenced Colossians 1:17 as his proof text—right? Well, before we share our thoughts, let’s take a look at the pastor’s proposition as he shared it with his congregation in the video below.
You really need to watch the video to follow along, so please view it now.
As much as I would like to believe the laminin proposition, unfortunately, there is more to the laminin protein story than is being shared in the video and several theological issues that need to be addressed.
The first obstacle to Pastor Giglio’s narrative is that laminins exist in various shapes when viewed through an electron microscope. The “t” or t-like laminin protein shown above and being proposed as a perfect representation of the cross is only one of various-shaped laminin proteins. Pastor Giglio’s belief that laminin proteins are in “the perfect shape of the cross of our Lord” is not supported by empirical facts. The other colorful cross-shaped diagram shown above is an educator’s artistic depiction for teaching purposes only. It is not an identical replica of the laminin protein. In the illustration below we see various shapes of laminin protein as viewed through an electron microscope. Click the diagram below to view a larger size.
As you can see in our next example, there are only a couple of images in the group that resembles a “t” or a cross-shaped protein. If we selectively ignore the other shapes we could make a stronger case for laminin being an exclusive cross-shaped protein. However, we must concede there exist too many variable laminin shapes to conclude that laminin proteins are exclusively cross-shaped. Therefore, the argument that a cross-shaped protein is referenced in Colossians 1:17 is inconsistent with the facts. Even if all laminin proteins were exclusively cross-shaped it would still not be the meaning of Colossians 1:17 for the following reason.
Taking a closer look at Colossians 1:15-20, we hear the apostle Paul speaking of Christ holding all things together, not the cross holding all things together. The “message of the cross” (1 Corinthians 1:18) is Christ who died in our place and purchased our salvation. In Colossians 1:22, just a few verses away from verse 17, we read how God reconciled the world by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight. It is not the cross itself, but the Christ of the cross that has reconciled us to God and it is Christ, not the cross, that all things hold together. While the cross served as a cruel altar upon which our Savior was sacrificed for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2), our focus must remain upon the one who carried our cross, and bore our sins in His body (1Peter 2:24), was crucified, died, and rose again (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
It is in Him (Jesus), by Him, through Him, and for Him that all things were created. “All things” includes all of God’s creation with its vast incomprehensible universe—the sun, moon, stars, all living things, and all things that are visible and invisible (the spiritual and heavenly things). All things are held together by his command, by his word, and by his will. The fact that “all things” (not just the human body) “hold together” (Gr. synistēmi) translated “consist” in the KJV, is what is being conveyed in Colossians 1:17. Without Him, nothing in creation can or would exist. “All things” in v 17 means “all creation” consist and is held together in, by, through, and for Christ.
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. (Colossians 1:15-20)
All creation is a manifestation of God’s infinite power. It is the very first thing we are told in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” To suggest that a variably shaped protein, “laminin,” is referenced in Colossians 1:17 is to diminish the full majesty and awesomeness of almighty God in His unfathomable creation, to wit, the apostle is referring. We do not need an electron microscope to view proof of God’s power or existence.
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)
The laminin protein is an amazing example of God’s intelligent design. Its cohesive properties bind together the 37.2 trillion cells that make up the human body and serve to demonstrate God’s incomprehensible creation design, irrespective of its shape. However, after a careful examination of the Scriptures, it falls short of being the meaning of Colossians 1:17.
We must always be mindful that God’s word often requires more than a cursory reading to discover sound incontrovertible teaching. We must meditate on his word, prayerfully, diligently, and continually.
While Pastor Giglio may have gotten over-excited about his laminin presentation and mistakenly connected it to Colossians 1:17, he appears to be reaching a new generation with the good news of Jesus Christ. I saw nothing in his message or any of his other sermons that would lead me to believe that he is anything other than a soul-winning man of God. He was nurtured under Pastor Charles Stanley and his son, Pastor Andy Stanley.
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Superb blog and great design.
Very good write-up. I certainly appreciate this website.
Keep writing!
Thanks for the feedback.
Pastor Giglio taught that Laminin “is in the perfect shape of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is clearly inconsistent with National Acadamy of Sciences. Laminin appears in a variety of shapes as depicted in their 1997 diagram. Secondly, his misconception about the shape of Laminin leads him to mistakenly connect it to Colossians 1:17 where Christ, not the cross, is holding all things together… “in him all things hold together.” Even if all laminin were in the “perfect shape of the cross” it would still not be the meaning of Colossians 1:17.
We believe that the Scriptures are the final authority on all matters of faith and that experiences or beliefs that are not supported by the scriptures or go beyond what cannot be supported in the Scriptures only serve to confuse the truth. No form of prophecy that flows from the Holy Spirit will contradict the Scriptures. It is important that we strive to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim.2:15).
It is good that during your state of confusion and discouragement you found the strength to get up and move on with God.
God’s best to you!
It may look like a cross but better it looks like the first hebrew letter ALEFT go figure. The hebrew letter alef always refer to GOD the creator.
Thank you for protecting people from enjoying a protein.
You need to revise your conclusion about laminin. You said, “It is just one of the 37.2 trillion cells that make up the human body and serves to demonstrate God’s incomprehensible creation design, irrespective of its shape.” Laminin is not a cell. It is a protein molecule.
I don’t think Giglio was saying the existence of laminin is “proof”, rather it is one of the physical reminders that point to Christ. The bible tells us God is alive and at work in the world, that he is nearby and desires to connect with us. There are many things in nature that are remarkable, and I believe that are reminder that he is not far away, but is close by.
“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelations 3:20
In HIM all things hold together. Isn’t the REPRESENTATION of Jesus dying on the cross what we as Christians USE to symbolize that? I mean, it seems far-fetched that you would not see why he used that passage. Because Louis also used the Whirlpool Galaxy Center image by the Hubble space telescope. Ergo, the BASE shape of Laminin IS the cross, and the basic shape of the adhesion molecule is generalized CROSS-shaped. Ergo, he is correct in using that analogy and Bible passage. It is something like this: how would Paul (a Pharisee, non-scientific man) know 2000 (or so) years BEFORE the founding of this molecule that “In him all things hold together” EXCEPT through divine revelation? How would someone KNOW that? The answer? They don’t. Even atheists are trying to backslide on this, saying that we are “matrixing.” When we AREN’T. And science and religion aren’t incompatible. Because God exists, and He created this universe. Wouldn’t he have HAD to lay down some kind of foundational principles? You know, like gravity, time, etc? Physics, Chemistry, Biology. It is all THERE. We are just discovering that which has already been MADE. It isn’t like “hey, we are floating through space until Sir Isaac Newton discovered GRAVITY!” *BOOM* Gravity was here LONG before us, and will be here LONG after us. It is a PART of the universe God created, just like Laminin. Ergo, if God wants to remind us of HIS SON’S sacrifice, that is ON HIM, not you. It was ordained in Genesis, since the GARDEN OF EDEN what Jesus was going to have to do for us. Ergo, God knew that some day people would need a reminder that He is who HE is. And how do you do that? Through a protein adhesion molecule. We are being held together with MILLIONS OF TINY CROSSES to REMIND US OF JESUS! That is the point of all of this!
I did not understand Pastor Lou to claim some material object saves us from anything. I understood him to say that Christ saves us through His work on that object which symbolizes the totality of His work on it. While I agree that Pastor Lou may have gotten a little over-excited in his statements about laminin, the fact that that there is anything as necessary to our existence as a chemical that holds everything in us together that ever resembles the Cross is mind-boggling. It may not be the “meaning” of Col. 1:17, but it a reflection of it.
I love reading an article that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!
I get it that this writer wants to be scientifically accurate. The ability to inside the cell has transformed our understanding of living creatures. In this instance e I think the diatribe against Gigljo is over the top.
In Pastor Giglio’s video study of Colossians he clearly says this is not “proof” but more like an artist putting a special character /mark on all hi s artwork . And nitpicking that it is Christ of the cross rather than a cross is putting words in that Giglio does not say. The whole point the pastor is making is the supremacy of Christ.
For the Christian the cross is a SYMBOL of what Jesus has done for us. In the same way, Giglio uses laminin as a visual aid for what Chist does with the universe- and with us. He holds us together!
As far as not resembling a cross, given the images posted in this article at least, this would need to assume that these laminin proteins need to be structurally solid for a crucifix shape. More of the shapes from these images are indeed crucifixes, albeit “floppy” as you might expect from things at this small scale that don’t tend to be solid.
As far as the Cross or Jesus, I often find myself interpreting allegorically bits from the bible so this aspect does not necessarily make any difference to the argument for me either. This is pretty much like what the above poster, Russel, is saying above in his first 3 lines.
My next port of call would then be to look to see if there is a hierarchy of Laminin to establish whether there is anything particular in terms of the shape, to the “Mother” or “Father” Laminin (whichever you prefer I suppose). It seems Russel has already answered that also where he talks about the Base shape.
I’ll give you another example of what I find might be allegory; that Jesus touched lepers; allegory for the contagion myth, look up how contagious Leprosy really is and you will find it isn’t really, if only slightly, if even at all.
You are making the same point as the preacher in the video. He did not claim that the first chapter in Colossians was referring to Laminin. He was just stating that Laminin was an evidence of the fact that Jesus holds all things together. Is it furthering the cause of Christ to cause infighting in the Christian community by arguing against straw man positions? This is leagalistic nonsense. There is no one that is perfect but Christ. There is no church that is perfect. And yet, Jesus prayed that we would be united as one. One of the reasons for that is so that we can bring others to Him. But when we are divided and arguing over things that we actually agree on, we turn people off from hearing the gospel. We need to put our energy into the right things.
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