Shepherds of A Generic God
Replacing The One True God With A Generic God?
Authentic Christianity is rooted in the God of Creation. We understand Him as the triune God, that is, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches there is only one eternal God and there is no other Gods but those of man’s imagination. History is replete with many man-made gods conjured up from man’s ignorance and rebellion. These pseudo deities were cleverly fashioned to fit societal desires and agendas while serving to blaspheme the God of Creation.
While there remain many false religions, gods, and beliefs in today’s world, we are now experiencing a shift toward a “generic god.” This generic god is not the God of the Bible, but a god who is redefined and modified into an eclectic deity suitable for any and all belief systems. A kind of self-styled god who mostly condones all human behavior and activity as good, proper, and acceptable. No one and nothing is really wrong or sinful, just different. It is under the cloak of “different” we find such things as sexual sins, abortion, and a plethora of forbidden behavior the Bible identifies as sin but is now reclassified as just being “different.” Although some moral absolutes like murder and rape remain, for now, most everything taught in the Bible about right, wrong, good, and evil is considered as mostly obsolete, misunderstood, or ignored.
We are told this generic god is very accepting of everyone and asks relatively little of anyone. Just live, love, and let live. You know, different strokes for different folks; it’s all good. This generic god is said to accept all people on any terms, require virtually nothing, and gives everything. Many religious institutions, denominations, and churches desperate to retain members and increase attendance have substituted the God of the Bible for this imposter. It is a religion without a relationship, forgiveness without repentance, a belief without truth, a form without substance, and faith in a graven image carved from man’s deluded imagination. This postmodern generic god does not transform sinners into saints. He cannot provide spiritual illumination for a darkened mind, and he has no power to heal a corrupt heart. There is no regenerative power to live a transformed life. There is no supernatural strength in weakness or transcendent peace in life’s storms. This pseudo-deity cannot cleanse and sanctify a sinner and he cannot impart eternal life. He and his seductive shepherds are frauds and liars. Do not be deceived. God has not changed, neither has His word.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Heb. 13:8)
The large-scale rejection of the one true God has facilitated the rapid advancement of this generic gospel. The God of the Bible and His teachings are no longer widely believed, honored, or welcomed in the public arena, the business community, and many social circles. To put it bluntly, people just don’t want to hear or obey God’s truth as recorded in the Bible. Many are offended by God’s word and will angrily pounce on anyone sharing what God’s word really says.
It is beyond troubling to witness the increasing presence of false shepherds proclaiming this generic gospel of a generic god. The appearance of these imposters and a generic gospel was foretold in the Bible long ago.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Tim. 4:3)
In 2 Timothy 4:3, the Bible mentions 3 characteristics of the rebellious and deceived religious crowd.
They Refuse to “Put Up With Sound Doctrine.”
“Sound doctrine” is the accurate and truthful teaching of God’s word as recorded in the Bible. God has placed gifted anointed teachers within the church to care for and feed God’s flock. These spirit-filled teachers assist the body of Christ in rightly dividing God’s spiritual truth and protect them from the many false, misleading, and heretical teachings that are so often passed off as God’s truth (Eph. 4:11-12).
Unfortunately, the proliferation of sinful behavior is being sanctioned by many false teachers. These false ministers and false teachers have abandoned the truth and are feeding blatant lies to their congregations and by extension the world. They are turning a blind eye to truth in order to keep congregants in the building and attract new ones. They are well aware that the truth of God’s word will offend many and drive off those who will not put up with sound teaching. Both by commission and omission they teach and approve of unbiblical and false teachings as they flourish in plain sight. These doctrines of devils (1 Tim.4:1) are the handiwork of “seducing spirits” that operate under the auspices of the generic god who is actually an antichrist (1 John 2:18).
They Are Led or Driven by “Their Own Desires” and “Itching Ears.”
The forbidden desires of our sinful nature long for outward expression. Why is it that people feel the need to steal, lie, slander, hate, commit adultery, engage in homosexuality, and other sexual sins? Why do people desire to do what God forbids? Do you not know that those who follow their ungodly nature are going to be eternally separated from God in a place called hell? But nevertheless, the carnal unregenerate sheep of a generic god have justified their sins as just being different—not really wrong. Many who once walked with Christ have turned from the truth and joined the ungodly throng of unrepentant sinners marching straight into deception’s darkness. Here is a shortlist of the corrupt fruit of our sinful nature:
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21)
People who willfully continue to sin after they are born again will eventually fall into deep deception and possibly abandon their faith in God (Heb. 6:4-6; 10:26-31). Don’t be deceived, my friend.
They Seek False Shepherds (Teachers) To Confirm Their Sinful Desires Are Not Wrong or Sinful, Just Different.
The false shepherds of this generic god are telling their followers whatever they want to hear. We are warned by Jesus to beware of these false teachers that are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mat. 7:15). Many so-called Christian leaders, singers, pastors, and teachers openly teach same-sex relations, abortion, divorcing your spouse for any reason, and a host of other forbidden practices are not really sinful, just different. The blind are leading the blind and, as Jesus warned, they both are headed toward that ditch (Mat 15:14).
The generic gospel, generic teacher, and generic god are nothing more than counterfeit replicas of biblical Christianity. They do not possess the life-saving, life-changing, life-restoring power of God. They are deceptive in every and no one will ever receive salvation and eternal life through their message. The path to forgiveness of sin, a new life in Christ, and eternal life begin with repentance. In Acts 3:19, we hear Peter encouraging his listeners:
Repent, then, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out (Acts 3:19).
Scripture references calling for true repentance can easily be found: (Luke 5:32; 15:7; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 17:30; 26:20). Repentance is not a deep doctrinal issue; it is relatively simple to understand. Repentance is the very act and only act that causes the Holy Spirit to rebirth our spirit. No one can be born again until they repent, and there can be no salvation apart from repentance. The word “repent” (Gr. metanoeo) and (Gr. metanoia) “repentance” refer basically to a “change of mind.” It is a change of mind accompanied by regret and a true change of heart toward God. The combination of the Greek words “noieo” to know or comprehend, and “meta” after, “to know after the fact,” conveys that one has comprehended his/her former behavior, life, ideas, philosophy, religious views, and relationship with God are wrong. Through repentance one is saying, I have been living wrong, separate from the Lordship of Christ. I have not submitted my life wholly and completely to His will, but today I have come to a decision. Henceforth, there can be no other way of life for me, but to give myself in total, absolute, unconditional surrender to God and declare, thy will be done in my life. I hereby yield all my rights, privileges, desires, thoughts, wants, needs, and all that I am to the Lordship of Christ. At this juncture, the Spirit of God touches the spirit of the repented person, and their spirit is miraculously born again. Repentance then is a revolution in one’s thinking that overthrows the old way of thinking against God and submits one’s life to God’s will. Without regeneration, no one has the power to live the life he has come to realize is right. This explains why so many that profess to be born again are still bound to their old life. They have never been set free through the power of regeneration. Without regeneration one remains a prisoner of Satan and their unregenerated spirit.
So, my friend, if you do not belong to Christ I would encourage you today to call upon the mighty name of Jesus, for there is power, miraculous wonder-working power in the name of Jesus! Forgiveness, healing, deliverance, restoration, and life everlasting are available to all who call on His name.
How to Turn to God
Perhaps at this very moment, you have realized that you need the Lord in your life. Maybe you drifted away or need to be been born again? If so, you can stop right now and begin talking to God. Ask Him to forgive you for being a sinner and the life you have been living outside of His love. Surrender your life to Him, unconditionally. Call Him Lord and make Him Lord of every thought, attitude, and action. You can say, Lord Jesus, forgive me for all my sins and come into my heart and take full control of my life. I am your child from this day forward. Change my heart and mind to be Christ-like in every way. I confess Jesus is my Lord and Savior forever.