Things Taught By Demons
Condoning Sexual Perversion and Immorality.
Demonic activity among humans first began with Eve in the Garden bringing about Adam’s rebellion against God and the fall of mankind. Since then, Satan and his demons have exercised varying degrees of societal influence throughout history from minor meddling to full-blown demon possession. It should come as no surprise that for every godly teaching or principle, there is a demonic version that aims at nullifying God’s truth and hoodwinking us into doing what God forbids. There is a counterfeit theology, “things taught by demons,” creeping into some denominations and churches supporting the LGBTQ movement.
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. (Timothy 4:1-2)
After thousands of years of human history, we are told that God’s word is not and was never opposed to sexual perversion and sexual immorality as most churches and ministers teach. It is alleged that the vast majority of Bible scholars, theologians, pastors, teachers, and Christians for thousands of years have been driven by bigotry and hatred against same-sex relationships and same-sex marriages. Supposedly we have all got it wrong according to the LGBTQ community and their network of affirming churches.
The affirming church movement has drafted a sizable amount of doctrines, that is to say, “things taught by demons,” and are teaching the LGBTQ community and anybody that will listen. These demonic doctrines distort and twist the Scriptures into declaring God’s approval of same-sex relationships and marriages. These things taught by demons are highly complex and deceptive. Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled a hater and bigot.
Christians who are not students of the word have been seduced into questioning the truth or believing these demonic doctrines. The religious community is already being taken captive by these demonic deceptions and is now embracing same-sex relationships and marriages as approved by God. Having gained a solid political and religious foundation of deception they are broadening their movement to indoctrinate young children and teens. Without a solid working knowledge of the Scriptures, it is unlikely that you will be able to refute these demonic doctrines.
In my book Marriage and Sexuality by Design, I expose these things taught by demons and demolish each argument with God’s word. It’s all about “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Every born-again believer needs to read this book because it is a teaching tool to equip believers with God’s word to refute false teachings and doctrines taught by demons.