Confronting The Impossible

Confronting The Impossible

Does God Still Perform Miracles Today? 

Without impossibilities in our lives, there would be no opportunity for miracles. The Bible teaches that God specializes in transforming impossibilities into miraculous displays of His glory. Both Testaments record numerous instances where ordinary people faced extraordinary impossibilities that overwhelmed all natural hope of a positive outcome. One example that comes to mind is found in Mark 9:14-29 where a demonically controlled boy’s father seeks Jesus to free his son from a life of demonic possession. The boy is often thrown to the ground by the violent spirit while foaming at the mouth and grinding his teeth in a seizure-like display. These demonic convulsions have caused near-death experiences when he was forced into the fire and river. When the boy is brought to Jesus the demon again throws the boy to the ground in a convulsion.

If you read the entire passage you will note that the disciples first tried to cast out the demon but failed. Now the father seeks Jesus’ help while his son is rolling on the ground in a demonically induced convulsion. In the midst of this spectacle, the father is pleading with Jesus to do something, anything to help the boy. It is at this point we hear Jesus say to the father in verse 23:

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9: 23 NKJV)

The father’s response to Jesus is conflicted. He is troubled by ambivalence in that he believes Jesus can heal his son, but there is a natural world of unbelief arguing that it is impossible to reverse such a condition. Recognizing his conflicting views the father emotionally responds:

“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)

It is here that we can identify with this conflicted father’s faith and unbelief. We so desperately believe that God can do the impossible. However, we are battling the presence of unbelief repeatedly shouting in our minds that it is not possible to change the impossibility we are facing. Resonating in our minds are tangible reasonable facts and evidence that support our unbelief. Unbelief always argues from our natural human knowledge and experiences. It presents a well-ordered compilation of the facts and evidence that we cannot ignore. These natural facts clearly and undeniably conclude that our problem is irreversible, impossible!

In this father’s case, we can reasonably assume over the years his son was examined by many physicians and every known remedy failed. No doubt his family and friends offered support and advice. He likely sought help from the local synagogue and prayer groups. How many nights he must have knelt in prayer or laid awake crying out to God for a miracle as his son rolled on the ground foaming at the mouth and convulsing. He even sought out Jesus’ disciples, but they could not reverse the impossible condition. Everything the father tried failed. His failed experiences taught him that the condition was irreversible and unbelief was lingering in his heart ready to denounce any hope or possibility of a miracle.

Unbelief is a negative faith! It believes nothing can be done to change our present impossibility or future outcome. Unbelief believes the circumstances are completely irreversible. Our unbelief can be quite logical and reasonable from a natural perspective. Faith, however, is not like unbelief.

Faith is not a form of positive confession or wishful thinking whereby one becomes excited and convinced that a positive outcome is possible. God is to be the focus of our faith. We must understand that faith comes by hearing and believing God’s word. Our faith is placed in God himself to stretch out his miraculous hand and supernaturally reverse the impossible conditions we are facing. Faith does not tip the scale in our favor but is fully confident in God to act on our behalf and change the impossibility into a miracle.

Unbelief takes on many forms. From a medical perspective, unbelief is triggered by a horrible diagnosis and terminal prognosis. From a financial perspective, unbelief is activated by mounting debt, little or no income, a foreclosure notice, and debt collectors. These undeniable and factual realities are shouting in our hearts and minds our condition or situation is absolutely impossible. We are in an irreversible situation and nothing can change our circumstances. It is at this point Jesus enters the room and says “all things are possible to him that believes.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane.

  1. Sarah was 90 years old when she conceived and gave birth to Isaac.
  2. The Israelites would have died by the Red Sea if God hadn’t parted the waters.
  3. The walls of Jericho came crashing down with a trumpet blast and a shout.
  4. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, but they were not alone and didn’t burn.
  5. A miraculous talking donkey saved Balaam from death.
  6. Peter walked on water with Jesus.
  7. Jesus mixed his spit with mud and rubbed it in a blind man’s eyes and he was healed.
  8. Jesus stopped a funeral procession and called a dead boy back to life.
  9. Jesus walked into the cemetery and shouted “Lazarus come forth,” and the dead man came walking out of the tomb alive after being dead 4 days.
  10. Jesus was brutally beaten, crucified, and buried. He came back to life on the 3rd day as He promised and appeared alive to His disciples and over 500 people.

Yes, my friends, the Bible records many instances where the impossible was made possible, but the story doesn’t end there. We too who know and love the Lord have seen and experienced the miraculous power of God in our lives. We know first hand that God is still granting miracles to His people and He will continue to do so.

Let us not forget the words of the apostle Paul:

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Eph. 3:20-21)

I don’t hear this old chorus sung anymore in our churches, but perhaps you need to sing it over and over today. Perhaps it’s time to take another look at our great and mighty God!

Have you any rivers, that seem uncrossable? And have you any mountains that you cannot tunnel through? God specializes, in things thought impossible, and He will do, what no other power can do.


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