I Was Once A Fool
With The Heart One Believes Unto Righteousness
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. (Psalm 14:1)
We live in a world where people say they believe in God but in their hearts do not believe there is a God to whom they must one day give an account. These closet atheists need to understand that God is real, Jesus is the Savior of the world, and that they will not escape the soon-coming day of accountability. Some of the most corrupt, vile, and ungodly people conceal the fact that they do not believe in their hearts that God is real. Their heartfelt belief frees their conscience to live ungodly lives and never fear the living God who does not sleep and knows our every thought.
The Hebrew word “nabal,” translated here as “fool,” is not referring to one’s lack of intelligence but to their corrupt character. It identifies the ungodly and corrupt behavior or lifestyle they have chosen to live. The person who says “I believe in God” but lives a life of ungodliness is demonstrating that in their heart they neither believe God exists nor that one day God will hold them accountable for their unbelief. This is a form of intellectual dishonesty or self-deception that serves as a cloak of hypocrisy. It leads to a false sense of security in that should they be mistaken about God’s existence and find themselves facing God’s Judgment they will say, “I never said I didn’t believe in God. I have always believed God exists.” This is nothing more than an ill-advised attempt to hedge their way into the kingdom of God. They are truly “playing the fool.” Consequently, they will suffer the loss of eternal life in God’s presence because God examines our hearts, not so much our religious statements to others.
Jesus illustrates the utter futility of what we say in comparison to what we actually do. It is our behavior contradicting our words that testify against us. The hollow and meaningless sound flowing out of our mouths is little more than lip service and not heartfelt conviction.
Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? (Luke 6:46)
A pastor once asked his congregation, “If you were arrested and charged with being a follower of Christ would there be any evidence to convict you? If we truly believe in our hearts that God exists and Jesus is the only Savior and Lord, then there will be a clear reflection evidenced in what we do and say. Our actions are rooted in our hearts and although Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” not everything we say emanates from our hearts. Words that do not flow from our hearts are insincere. Consider the following biblical passage:
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)
It is not enough to say we believe in God or Jesus is Lord of all mankind—we must first believe it in our hearts.
The unbelieving heart lacks spiritual illumination and moral conscience. It has no loyalty or love for a non-existent God. It is corrupt through and through. Only when one comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and senses the convicting presence of the Holy Spirit will we truly confess from our hearts that Jesus is Lord.
My friends, do not allow the love for this life and your sinful desires to blind you from seeing the truth. God sent His son to rescue us from our sins, and unless you repent and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord you will not enter God’s eternal life.
Isn’t it time you open your heart to God?
How to Turn to God
Perhaps at this very moment, you have realized that you need the Lord in your life. Maybe you drifted away or need to be born again? If so, you can stop right now and begin talking to God. Ask Him to forgive you for being a sinner and the life you have been living outside of His love. Surrender your life to Him, unconditionally. Call Him Lord and make Him Lord of every thought, attitude, and action. You can say, Lord Jesus, forgive me for all my sins, come into my heart, and take full control of my life. I am your child from this day forward. Change my heart and mind to be Christ-like in every way. I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior forever.