What Happens When You Lack Knowledge?

What Happens When You Lack Knowledge?

Worst Things Than You Can Imagine 

The souls of many Americans are in grave danger of eternal destruction because they have ignored, rejected, and abandoned the true knowledge of God. Scriptural knowledge of what God has said and personal knowledge of God our Father is greatly lacking throughout our churches and nation. Somehow ignorance has become preferable to true knowledge, and this ignorance is leading us down a perilous path. Knowledge of God’s word illuminates our path in life. Willful ignorance of God’s word leads to a lack of true knowledge and a faulty sense of proper discernment.

In the Old Testament, we find Hosea the prophet warning Israel of impending judgment for rejecting the true knowledge of God.

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. (Hosea 4:6)

The nation of Israel under king Jeroboam began condoning and supporting many of the cultural, social, and idolatrous practices of the region, namely Baal worship. Baal was considered to be the god of environmental conditions and responsible for rain, drought, storms, sunshine, and fertility including animal and human fertility. Asherah (goddess of fertility) was also part of the pantheon of Canaanite gods mixed in with Baal worship. A brief survey of the Scriptures reveals Baal worship included such things as animal and child sacrifices along with prostitution, sexual orgies, and sacred sex rituals. As the Jews intermarried with the pagans, social and cultural pressures demanded tolerance and respect for Baal worship even though God forbid such behavior. Subsequently, even the Jewish priest became silent and stopped warning the Jews of God’s total disapproval of the widespread ungodly practices. Baal worship was eventually normalized alongside Judaism and found its way into the temple of the Lord. We read later in 1 Kings chapters 16-18 of King Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel the Phoenician princess and Baal worshiper. She was the daughter of king Ithobaal who had been a priest of Astarte the sex goddess before becoming king of Tyre. Ahab and Jezebel promoted Baal worship throughout the nation.

God sent prophet after prophet to warn the Jews that their unrighteous idolatrous lifestyles would bring God’s wrath, but no one wanted to hear that negative message. Eventually, God sent Elijah to prove on Mount Carmel that Jehovah alone was the only true God and Baal was nothing—a fascinating event. In today’s world, Elijah would be considered an intolerant, homophobic, Bible-thumping religious bigot who is out of touch with what’s happening.

The Northern kingdom of Israel which we have been referencing (10 of the 12 tribes) fell to the Assyrians between 734 BC to 723 BC and seemingly vanished from history while the southern kingdom of Judah and Benjamine fell to Babalyon many years later around 598 BC for the same sexually immoral and idolatrous lifestyle.

In the southern kingdom of Israel, it was the same sin as in the northern kingdom. It wasn’t until King Josiah came along (641 BC – 609 BC) and started reading the Scriptures that he instituted reforms and cleaned the house of God. But the reforms were short-lived and the Babylonian captivity soon followed.

The Israelites had many years to turn from their ungodly ways but never did, at least not for very long. Their history with God was one of lip-service-repentance and backsliding, but God who remains faithful to His promise always persevered a remnant of Jews.

Fast forward to today here in America, we are seeing some of our Christian churches, ministers, and members going the way of Jeroboam and Ahab condoning ungodly practices as though God approves. Abortion, sexual immorality, homosexuality, and convenience divorce are all destroying our people while the pulpits and pews are transitioning from silence to acceptance. Their message is to just love everybody and don’t be judgmental. After all, can’t we all just get along? 

Contrary to the prevailing social currents flowing in today’s Christian church world we are not here “to just love everybody and get along.” There’s much more to Christianity than that. Consider what Jesus said:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

The church is here to preach repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. To teach and make disciples of those who truly repent. To instruct His people to obey everything that God has commanded.

The Old Testament Jews provide us with a sad reminder of what not to do and how to invoke God’s anger. They suffered horrific destruction for rejecting the knowledge of God. Their lack of knowledge and willful ignorance caused them to reject God and His word. Will the church of America continue to turn away from God and reject His knowledge? This is why the church so desperately needs the teaching of Scripture as laid out in my recent publican Marriage and Sexuality by Design. We are headed down the dark path of destruction and must learn how to overcome the flood of immorality attacking our faith.

God’s word is not ambiguous on abortion, sex before marriage, convenience divorce, or same-sex relations. He has warned that those who practice these things shall not inherit God’s eternal kingdom.

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